Apichaya (Piya) Wanthiang (B. 1987, Bangkok, Thailand) holds a BA from Sint-Lukas, Brussels and an MA in Fine Arts from Bergen Academy of Art and Design (KHiB). Through a range of different mediums and approaches, she  constructs environments in order to study how they influence our perceptions, behaviours and interactions. Piya has had solo exhibitions at the Munch Museum, Kristiansand Kunsthal, Hordaland Kunstsenter, amongst other. She worked part time as Assistant Professor at Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, and the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design (KMD) in Bergen. She has been on the board of LNM, the Norwegian Painters Association and of UKS, The Young Artists’ Society. Her work is amongst other parts of Oslo Kommunes Kunstsamling, Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum and Kistefos Museum. 



B. 1987 in Bangkok, Thailand. Lives and works in Oslo, Norway.


2010/2012       Master in Fine Arts, KHIB, Academy of Fine Arts, Bergen, Norway
2006/2009     Bachelors in Visual Arts, Sint-Lukas Brussels, Belgium

Solo projects

2024    (Upcoming)  Galleri Brandstrup, Oslo, Norway
2024    (Upcoming) Storage, Bangkok, Thailand 
2023    Weaving, Fishing, Cutting, Drying BGE Contemporary, Stavanger, Norway
2023    Ahead, Instead Trykkeriet, Bergen, Norway
2022    Some Body Else, Solo Oslo II, Munch Museum, Oslo, Norway
2021     When the First Thought is Touch, Brandstrup, Oslo, Norway
2021     In Changing Yesterday’s Weather, BGE Contemporary, Stavanger, Norway
2020     I’ve Been Here Before, Kristiansand Kunsthall, Kristiansand, Norway
2019     Burn, Rage, Rise Heimdal Kunstforenening, Heimdal, Norway
2018     Evil Spirits Only Travels in Straight Lines, UKS, Oslo, Norway
2018     Driftwood and Ghost Hunters, LNM, Oslo, Norway
2017     While the Light Eats Away the Colors, Galleri 3,14, Bergen, Norway
2015     A Sudden Outburst of Laughter, Trykkeriet, Bergen, Norway
2014     Without Waiting For Her Reply (WWFHR), USF, Bergen, Norway
2012     Geography of A, Hordaland Kunstsenter, Bergen, Norway
2010     Going Back From X into Minus, Martin van Blerk Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

Selected collaborative projects

2020   2in1, with Anna Daniell, Galleri Brandstrup, De-centralized Chart Art Fair, Oslo
2018    31 Buildings with Cristian Stefanescu, HKS, Bergen (NO)
2017    Pilot -17 Years Cicada, with Ming Hwa Yeh, Taipei Performing Arts Center, Taiwan
2017    Practicing Receptivity, with J. Herbert at Louise Dany, Oslo
2017    Exhibition in Progress-Concrete is Stranger than Fiction with C. Stefanescu, HKS, Bergen (NO)
2014    A Conversation pt.1-4, with N. Barnett & R. Nesbitt, Atlantic Studios, Cape Town (ZA)

Public commissions

2024   (Upcoming) Drammen Hospital, Drammen, Norway
2023   Try Walking Backwards, She Said. Søndre Borgen Helsehus, Asker, Norway
2021    Of all the places I’ve been and have yet to go, Ruseløkke Skole, 10 wall paintings, Oslo, Norway
2020   Everything Flows, Wall-based work/ Painting for KORO, Campus Ås, Ås

Selected group exhibitons

2024   (Upcoming) After the Sun, Gammel Strand, Copenhagen, Denmark
2024   (Ungoing) After the Sun, Buffalo AKG Art Museum, USA
2021    Delux, She Will, Ski, Norway
2020   Et Kollektivt Kaosmos, Kunsthall Oslo, Norway
2019    Binyuan/ Daniell/ Engelsen Espedal/ Mbamba/ Wanthiang, Galleri Brandstrup, Oslo
2019    Olje og Begjaer, Blomgvist & QB galleri, Oslo Norway
2017    Oslo City Hall Studios, Oslo, Norway
2016    Roaming – UKS, Oslo, Norway
2016    Twofold Installation for Barents Spectakel, Kirkenes, Norway & Nikel, Russia
2015    Herfra, by J. Hestvold & B. Clementsen, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway
2012    65 Malerien, Bergenkjøtt, Bergen Norway
2012    A Ride Full of Traps, Graduation Show at Bergen Kunsthall, Norway
2012    Between the Four, F-blok Gallery, Bristol Engeland
2011     17 M.O.H exhibition, Bergenkjøtt, Bergen, Norway
2010    Canvascollectie at Bozar, Brussels, Belgium
2009    Don’t Know Whether I’m Coming or Going, EEA, Beelitz Heilstatten, Germany
2009    Final Bachelor Exhibition, City Hall Schaerbeek, Brussels, Belgium

Selected curatorial

2015    If On a Winter’s Night, a Room, with Cristian Stefanescu, A-Works, Bergen, Norway
2014    I Love Your Manners Full of Deceit, KNIPSU, Bergen, Norway


2024/2025   (Upcoming) ISCP New York, USA   
2023   Kitamura studios, Kyoto, Japan (Trykkeriet collaboration)
2021    NKdale, Dale, Norway
2015    BARinternational pt.2, Kirkenes, Norway & Nikel, Russia
2014    Sober and Lonely, Johannesburg, ZA
2014    BARinternational pt.1, Kirkenes, Norway & Nikel, Russia
2012    Artist in residency, Stazioni Di Topolo, Topolo, Italy
2009   EEA09, European Exchange Academy, Beelitz Heilstatten. Germany

Teaching / Talks / Workshops

2023  External assesment, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Oslo, Norway
2023  Guest teaching, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Oslo, Norway
2022   Assistant Professor, The Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design (KMD), Bergen, Norway
2022  Bachelor Censor, The Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design (KMD), Bergen, Norway
2021    Guest teaching, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Oslo, Norway
2019    Assistant Professor, NTNU/KiT, Trondheim, Norway
2018    Assistant Professor, NTNU/KiT, Trondheim, Norway
2017    Guest teacher, NTNU/KIT, Trondheim, Norway
2016    Involved Urban Practice: Practice Models, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria
2016    Guest teacher: Source Materials, at NTNU/KiT, Trondheim, Norway
2015    Speculating on Art Education, hosted by Kungl. Konsthögskolan, Stockholm, Sweden
2015    Artist talk at Hacettepe University, Ankara Turkey
2015    Guest teacher, When Things Cast No Shadows, KHIB, Bergen Norway
2014    Assistant Professor in Painting, Fine Arts, KHIB, Bergen Norway
2014    Guest Advisor / Critics’s Round on the EEA14-G, Beelitz Heilstatten, Germany
2014    Guest teacher, Writing in Space-Spectatorship in Installations, KHIB, Bergen Norway
2014    Guest teacher at NTNU/KIT, Trondheim, Norway
2013    Guest teacher: Karusell – Introduction to painting, KHIB, Bergen Norway
2013    Guest teacher: Scale and its Unfolding (On Process), KHIB, Bergen, Norway
2012    Guest teacher: Painting on Paper, KHIB, Bergen, Norway

Selected relevant work

2024/2025  (Ungoing) Springbret Jury, Kistefoss Museum
2022/2023  Den Nasjonale Jury
2022/2023  UKS Styre
2018/2020  LNM Styre
2020   Dialogue partner - SKAUS, Stavanger, Norway
2016    Scenography for Table Turns, Bøen & Sletteland
2013    Assistant for fellowship researcher Ellen Røed, Galleri 3,14, Bergen, Norway
2012    Assistant for Sol LeWitt retrospective at Museum ‘M’, Leuven, Belgium
2011    Co-coordinator Lectures: Materialized<=>Dematerialized, KHIB, Bergen, Norway
2011    Assistant for fellowship researcher Patrick Entian, KHIB, Bergen, Norway


Sasakawa Norge 2023
Ingrid Lindbäck Langaards Stiftelse 2022
Art Council Norway, Kunstnerassistentordning: 2021-2022, 2021-2020
Norske Billedkunstnere - project funding: 2021, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014
Norske Billedkunstnere - working grants: 2022-2020, 2019-2018, 2017, 2014, 2013
Art Council Norway - project funding: 2023, 2021, 2019, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013
Art Council Norway - working grant: 2022-2026, 2016, 2015
Arts Council Norway - aspirant position: 2013
Bergen Kommune - project funding: 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
Unge Kunstenernes samfund - travel funding: 2015
Office for Contemporary Arts - international support: 2023, 2014

Studio grants

2016/2017    Oslo Rådhus, studio C allocation, 18 months
2013/2015    Bergen Kommune, studio for newly established artist, Kunstnerverksted Cs55


The City of Oslo Art Collection, Grieg Samling, Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum, Utenriksdepartementets (UD)

 Copyright © 2023 Apichaya Wanthiang. All rights reserved.