Apichaya (Piya) Wanthiang (B. 1987, Bangkok, Thailand) holds a BA from Sint-Lukas, Brussels and an MA in Fine Arts from Bergen Academy of Art and Design (KHiB). Through a range of different mediums and approaches, she constructs environments in order to study how they influence our perceptions, behaviours and interactions. Piya has worked part time as Assistant Professor at Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, and the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design (KMD) in Bergen. She has been on the board of LNM, the Norwegian Painters Association and is currently on the board of UKS, The Young Artists’ Society. Her work is amongst other parts of Oslo Kommunes Kunstsamling, Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum and Kistefos Museum. She recently finalised an immersive wall-based installation for KORO at NMBU campus Ås, and ten permanent murals for Kulturetaten at the newly built Ruseløkka Skole.